Drink Portrait

I wanted to make a post today that didn’t include portraits of brides and grooms, pictures of teary-eyed first looks, and doesn’t feature any sweet dances moves frozen in time. I wanted to show you some of what I’m working on when I’m not photographing awesome weddings. It’s called Drink Portrait.

Drink Portrait is a personal photography project I’ve been working on over the last few months. Personal projects are important for any photographer. (Photographers: I’d highly recommend embarking on one if you don’t already have something in the works!) I’m photographing people with their defining drink. It can be anything. What do others see you drinking when they think of you? For some people, it’s simply water. Others might have a more adult drink. I’ve had all types of people and all types of drinks, from the constant coffee drinker, to the bourbon enthusiast, to the health-conscious coconut water aficionado. The glass (or container) is just as important as the drink! Do you have a special beer mug, or a tea cup that was handed down from your great-aunt? Bring it, we’ll use it!

The next step of this project is to line up some folks who would be willing to stop by my Providence studio for a quick Drink Portrait session.

You would be perfect for this project! 

It’s easy! You just have to have a defining drink. (You could always make one up!) Email me at info@smithbrad.com  or tweet at me at @smithbrad to set up a time to stop into the studio. It takes only a few minutes, and you get to have some fun and show off your favorite drink. I’ll share the final image with you for you to use all over the internet instead of that profile picture you’re using now.

Here are just a few of the #drinkportrait sessions that I’ve completed already. Drop me a line please, we’ll talk!

(L to R: Trevor, Coffee Milk. Brittanny, Monster Energy Drink. Peter, Belvedere Vodka Martini w/ blue cheese stuffed olives)

From The Blog

2021 Print Sale

  This only happens once a year; get your prints for cheap! Order any prints for 50% the regular print prices – without having to wait in the ridiculous pre-dawn lines! This will be the only time throughout the year that prices will be discounted across the board like this. It’s a great opportunity to order the prints […]

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